About me

Always looking for that shot

Always looking for that shot – (This time right before a tropical storm)

I’m just me. I’m a mom, a grand mom, sister, daughter, friend and an aunt. I work at a job I love which can be quite stressful at times. Scuba Diving and photography are my outlets to help reduce the stresses of my everyday life.

I shoot topside photos with an Nikon 610. For my underwater shots I usually shoot with a Sea & Sea G2,or Ricoh Gx200 with Sea & Sea housing, and two YS-01 Stobes. When I’m adventurous I’ll use my Cannon SX1 IS Power Shot, with Ikelite housing, Ikelite pro-V8 video lite, and Ikelite 51 substrobe. The Cannon’s housing is a bit cumbersome for me so I only use it on the rare occasions that I might want Video. That’s not often these days.

“You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.”

Ansel Adams

Some may feel that Mr. Adams is “outdated”. I don’t. Forever he will be my inspiration.

If you see anything you would like to purchase please contact me.

© Copyright 2019 Lisa Patterson. All rights reserved. All photographs and text included herein are the property of Lisa Patterson. All materials are protected under the United States and international copyright laws and treaties which provide substantial penalties for infringement. The use of any images or other materials included herein, in whole or part, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, reproduction, storage, manipulation, digital or otherwise, is expressly prohibited without the written permission of Lisa Patterson.

Please note: These images are not royalty free and a fee is required for each specific usage. This includes the use of any of these images for use in web pages. Legal action could then be taken against illegal usage by the photographer and the client. Please respect copyright laws. To inquire about the use of any of these images. If you would like to purchase some of my photos please contact me or you can seem my portfolio on Istock.com or on Facebook

at Blue Heron Bridge

at Blue Heron Bridge

58 thoughts on “About me

  1. Pingback: Bring it « pinknoyze

  2. That is one fearsome photo! I am awed by it — you are tough enough to be talented, for sure! Lol, thanks so much for visiting Mrs. City Boy and liking and following! I look forward to being able to see more of your wonderful photography!


    • Thank you very much. Tough? Probably more like stubborn lol But thank you. And I look forward to seeing more of your blog as well!


  3. Hi, wow your blog is amazing and inspirational. You have many incredible images here. I can clearly see both your passion and tenacity and it’s contagious. Thanks for liking my new blog. I have a question: How do you get your signature on your photos?


    • I use Picasso to do quick and easier edits its free and I can put my signature on them easily. On your photo go to your text feature. in succession, push control 0 6 9 and that will make your copy rite sign. If that doesn’t work use the function key in place of control key. It’s easy once you get the hang of it


    • Hi! Any of the canon power shots do very well and easy to use as well as have some advance functions you can “grow” into. I’m partial to them for point and shoots. Fuji fine pix are also good. Hope that helps :). You have a good eye with your photos. Love your blog!


  4. I’m so glad you visited my blog, for it brought me to your stunning work. Just…wow! I am in love with your blog! And I don’t think Ansel Adams is outdated at all. His work is classic and he will always be one of my favorite photographers.
    “A good photograph is knowing where to stand”…He just always knew right where to stand. =)


    • thank you so much! I’m very glad you stopped by and I hope you continue to stop in. 🙂 I totally agree with Adams. I can’t wait so see more of your blog as well.


  5. lisa, many thanks for the follow on my own wee blog it is really appreciated. Welcome aboard. If you have any suggestions or requests just let me know. Will now have a little play on your site, once again thanks and have a pearl of a weekend. MM 🍀


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